
Sunday, March 9, 2014

Guess My Number Line!

We are busy bees in Math right now, and have been doing a ton of fun activities. Math was the second subject I took over in student teaching, and I am feeling very comfortable with it now, so I am able to move beyond just the typical basic lessons and have been incorporating more of the fun activities I know kids love and get them engaged in learning. This lesson was one I used for a video taped lesson for my teaching program, and I ran into so many technical difficulties- from SD cards filling up and not noticing it for ten minutes to recording over the introduction- yikes! The kidlets were troopers and were so patient with me as I had to re-record certain parts and reset the technology. We pretended we were on a movie set and had to do a second take (lucky we live in LA, huh?).

We started with using virtual manipulatives on this site. I know I mentioned it before, but seriously, if you have not yet checked it out or used it, do it!! The kids LOVE watching me use it and are so excited when I call one of them up to use it. The point of the lesson was to mentally add and subtract 100 from a given number 0-1000 (I'm looking at you CCSS Math 2.NBT.8!!), and I wanted to tie it in with number lines and place value. We began by looking at a number line and a thousands block on the Glencoe site, and reviewing what we knew about both of those.

After we had a good foundation, we moved on to creating our own number line chart using sticky notes to fill in the number line. I made a mostly blank number line with 0, 500, and 1000, and asked the students to write down addition and subtraction questions on stickies to fill in the rest of the numbers. They really got into it, and tried to come up with some challenging ones! I loved seeing their questions like "What is 200 less than 1000?" and "What is 600 plus 100?" They really grasped the concept, and enjoyed being a part of the chart making process.

Once we got the chart filled out, I introduced our guessing game. I taped numbers, 100-1000, to the backs of each student and had them pair up to give clues to their partner so every student could guess their number. I had to model the process a few times to make sure they understood that the numbers were secret- you couldn't tell your partner what their number is, you have to give hints to guess it.

They really got into the game, and once they all got their numbers, I had them create a human number line. I wish I could include pictures of each step in the process to show how much fun they had, but with internet privacy and all that, you will just have to use your imagination! It was a great activity, and one I will definitely try to do again with another concept.

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